9 months ago
Terence Choo
Plastic poses a grave threat to our oceans, but nature offers a key ally: trees.
Trees also play a crucial role in safeguarding the ocean's health.
Cue Hostmost Philippines. In tandem with Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and local community officers, we negotiated a tree-planting activity at San Mateo, Norgazaray, Bulacan.
Long Branch Short:
(1) Trees reduce runoff, which prevents excessive pollutants and sediments from reaching coastal waters, preserving the ocean's marine life.
(2) Enhanced soil absorption via tree roots prevents stormwater surges and sewage overflow, reducing the volume of contaminated water entering the ocean.
(3) Trees help maintain a balanced freshwater supply in coastal regions, crucial for sustaining ocean ecosystems.
(4) Trees reduce air pollution, prevent soil erosion, and cool urban stream water indirectly contributes to maintainin